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In vivo electron paramagnetic resonance imaging of tumor heterogeneity and oxygenation in a murine model. It is doubtful that cell death induced by chemotherapy occurs by any other mechanism. Randomized comparative trials demonstrated that it had a similar response rate as tamoxifen. Clinicopathological significance of Fhit protein expression in stage I non-small cell lung carcinoma. These are tumors that may have occurred spontaneously or from the application of a carcinogen but have now been transplanted from animal to animal. Inferior pubic rami resection with en bloc radical excision of invasive proximal urethral carcinoma. In one large review of glucagonomas, only two patients had a plasma glucagon level of 200 to 500 pg/mL, four patients had a level between 500 and 1000 pg/mL, and 52 patients had a level in excess of 1000 pg/mL. Of note, the overall survival in the intermediate-dose group was 70%, far higher than many would have anticipated from the historic controls. In general, the surgical principles outlined for the treatment of relapsing patients apply equally to the patient presenting with macroscopic metastases. Abnormal live births are uncommon after gonadal irradiation because most radiation-induced mutations are recessive. The majority of circulating androgen is produced by the testicles in the form of testosterone, and the remainder is produced by the adrenal glands, which synthesize the so-called adrenal androgens. After surgery, 24 patients received additional external-beam irradiation (median dose, 40 Gy). Iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine for the locating of suspected pheochromocytoma: experience in 400 cases. Normal testicular function is unlikely in boys who undergo orchiopexy after 2 years of age. Patients with large uterine cavities, cervical involvement, or grade 3 tumors may benefit from a course of external-beam irradiation before intracavitary treatment. Some reports also have indicated the presence of bleeding and the need for blood transfusions. Differential retinoblastoma protein expression in neuroendocrine tumors of the lung. When 60 Gy given via accelerated hyperfractionation was compared to standard fractionation, the grade 3 or worse acute esophageal toxicity increased from 9% to 35% (P =. Fractionated proton radiation therapy of chordoma and low grade chondrosarcoma of the base of the skull. Doses of cisplatin beyond 100 mg/m 2 have been associated with unacceptable toxicity, primarily neurotoxicity. Both the Memorial Sloan-Kettering 120 and Catholic University 123 series use the previously published Memorial Sloan-Kettering Sphincter Function Scale. At the individual level, we must maximize access to cessation services for all smokers and promote further research into improving nicotine replacement therapies and other pharmacologic approaches. Once the catheter has been advanced beyond the gastroduodenal artery to avoid nontarget embolization and is located within striking distance of the tumor, the chemoembolization material can be injected (. Structural organization of the reduced folate carrier gene in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Microscopically, these tumors consist of adipocytes with interspersed vascular structures. An internal-external biliary stent has been successfully placed across the obstruction. The 3-year disease-free survival rates were 55% and 88%, respectively; partial responders to induction chemotherapy showed the greatest benefit. It would therefore appear that the results of external-beam radiation alone for T3 tonsillar cancer are suboptimal. In contrast, postoperative radiation therapy appears to improve tumor control and disease-free survival in patients with incompletely resected ependymomas. Although the diagnosis of small cell carcinoma rests primarily on morphologic assessment, immunocytochemistry plays a role, and electron microscopy is of occasional value in difficult cases. Urokinase versus recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in thrombosed central venous catheters: a double-blinded, randomized trial. In 1981, Hacker and colleagues demonstrated that a less morbid surgical approach, operating through separate vulvar and groin incisions, achieved cure rates similar to those achieved with the traditional radical vulvectomy.

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Thus, there may be a role for nonsurgical management in selected early lesions, but more advanced lesions definitely benefit from surgery followed by postoperative radiation. Optimal administration of such drugs requires a full understanding of the complexities involved, as well as the potential effects of disease and other medications. Combining cyclosporin with chemotherapy controls intraocular retinoblastoma without requiring radiation. Chromosome changes characterizing in vitro response to radiation in human squamous cell carcinoma lines. A more typical example is epidermodysplasia verruciformis, in which papilloma virus and ultraviolet radiation act as cocarcinogens to produce squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in genetically susceptible individuals. In particular, as noted previously, series of patients with one to three positive nodes treated by modified radical mastectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy from the United States show rates of local regional recurrence in the range of 10%, 352,353,354,355 and 356 compared with approximately 30% in the two Danish trials. The development of new, primary noninvasive carcinoma of the breast 29 years after bilateral radical mastectomy. Multiple methods of reconstruction have been advocated including temporal muscle slings, skin grafts, and even composite flaps containing bone. Liver perfusion chemotherapy via both the hepatic artery and portal vein to prevent hepatic metastasis after extended pancreatectomy for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. This suggests that the rate of meningeal recurrence is related to the adequacy of the volume and dose of irradiation to the primary tumor. A single scale for comparing dose- intensity of all chemotherapy regimens in breast cancer: summation dose-intensity. Both single-agent and combination therapy have demonstrated activity in the adjuvant and neoadjuvant settings. Positron emission tomography of esophageal carcinoma using (11)C-choline and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose: a novel method of preoperative lymph node staging. Better breast cancer survival for postmenopausal women who are less overweight and eat less fat. Such studies do not warrant the expenditure of limited clinical research dollars and represent a disservice to the patients who may be willing to undergo some inconvenience in order to contribute to the welfare of future patients. Positive margins after conservative treatments impacts local control and possibly survival in node-negative breast cancer. Postoperative radiotherapy in the treatment of single metastases to the brain: a randomized trial. Pharmacokinetics of free and total platinum species after short-term infusion of cisplatin. In this case, one determines whether the nodule is functional with a radionuclide scan by iodine uptake. Expression of basic fibroblast growth factor in primary human renal tumors: correlation with poor survival. A more traditional approach to adjuvant therapy is the use of postoperative treatment. In most series reported, patients were highly selected, with most long-term survivors having T4N0 tumors. Modulation of fluorouracil by leucovorin in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: evidence in terms of response rate. Generation and use of synthetic peptide combinatorial libraries for basic research and drug discovery. A researcher implants a tumor into animals, allows it to grow to palpable size, treats it with a specific regimen, and then determines how many tumors of this type in various host animals are cured. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy following cystectomy for invasive bladder cancer: a prospective comparative trial. A complex between prostate-specific antigen and alpha 1-antichymotrypsin is the major form of prostate-specific antigen in serum of patients with prostatic cancer: assay of the complex improves clinical sensitivity for cancer. Most arise in the extremities, although osteosarcoma of other sites, including breast, retroperitoneum, urinary bladder, or other visceral organs have been reported.


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Several investigators have reported the likelihood of local and distant tumor progression in patients who were untreated or who were treated with noncurative intent. The spleen is placed in a stout plastic bag after being completely devascularized and the ligaments divided. If embolization is not followed promptly by tumor removal, undesirable collateral circulation and vascular shunting can develop, ultimately complicating an already challenging surgical process. Furthermore, Wang and colleagues 152 observed no significant correlation between erbB2 expression and long-term survival in 117 patients undergoing potentially curative resections for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Carcinoma in situ of the testis: frequency and relationship to invasive germ cell tumors in infertile men. Management of complicated skin cancer must be based on the clinical setting and knowledge of the biologic behavior of the cancer. The role of stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of malignant skull base tumors. Further, marked changes in the quality of surgery, radiation therapy, and patient management occurred over the long time intervals spanned by these studies. The investigators concluded that patients in whom gallbladder carcinoma is suspected on visual examination of the gallbladder during attempted laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be converted immediately to an open procedure or the procedure terminated and the patient referred for definitive therapy. Furthermore, it is often more desirable to study the biologic effect in a cell line before proceeding to an animal model. If grade 3+ toxicity develops, a 3-day to 1-week treatment break commonly is required. Prognostic factors in stage D2 prostate cancer: important implications for future trials. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy for treatment and prevention of peritoneal carcinomatosis and sarcomatosis. Contiguous Organ Involvement For tumors that are adherent to adjacent organs, adhesions should not be divided. Part of the differential effect of fractionated radiation may lie in differential recruitment of normal versus tumor cells. The literature consists primarily of case reports, and in most of these the tumor arises within the thorax. Lead compounds are identified as inhibitors for molecular targets through molecular screening. Intensity modulated radiation therapy techniques permit higher doses of radiation to be delivered to target tissue while limiting radiation dose to the lung and other normal tissues. Patients with advanced disease that is resistant to standard therapy are included in such trials, but it is important that the patients have normal organ function. It also allows for removal of diseased parenchyma that may contain microscopic metastatic disease as well as parenchyma that may be predisposed to formation of second primary tumors. On the other hand, a variety of battery-operated, hand-held artificial larynges (electrolarynges) are currently available. Twenty received adjuvant radiation and with a mean follow-up of 37 months, the local control rate was 88%. Tumor-specific inhibition of lymphoma growth by an antisense oligodeoxy-nucleotide. For example, the median and 5-year survival rates in the surgical control arm of Intergroup 0113 trial were 16 months and 20%, respectively, 244 and in the surgical control arm of the Dutch trial by Kok et al. Optical imaging techniques are also being developed but have been applied to humans on a limited basis to date. In patients resected with curative intent who have low-grade lesions, disease-free survival at 8 years exceeds 80%, as compared with a mean disease-free interval of only 18 months for patients with high-grade lesions. Most are obvious with routine laryngeal inspection, but a small percentage are located in obscure areas and, therefore, not readily visible. Classification of diagnoses, procedures, morphology, and medications are areas in which fairly mature internationally or commercially maintained vocabularies exist.

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Nevertheless, the European findings provide a sobering counterpoint to the P-1 study. Epidemiologic studies have consistently identified a number of breast cancer risk factors, each of which is associated with increased exposure to endogenous estrogens. Approximately two-thirds of excretion is renal, and the half-life increases rapidly in patients with a creatinine clearance of less than 25 to 35 mL/min. By radiologic assessment, treatment essentially obliterated lung function on the affected side. However, intrahepatic metastases and tumor growth along the biliary tract frequently occur. During tumor angiogenesis, microvascular endothelial cells undergo sustained rapid proliferation that persists for as long as the tumor is present. Expression of vascular permeability factor (vascular endothelial growth factor) and its receptors in adenocarcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract. The genes for both syndromes were mapped to the centromeric region of chromosome 10, but the related tumors did not show allelic loss at this site, suggesting that a tumor suppresor mechanism did not underlie the cancer predisposition. Pharmacokinetics of carboplatin at a dose of 750 mg m-2 divided over three consecutive days. Vinblastine plus ifosfamide plus cisplatin as initial salvage therapy in recurrent germ cell tumor. This approach is considered experimental and necessitated by the unique clinical challenge presented by this case. Proponents of the primary puncture argue that patients are psychologically uplifted 72 by the fact that they can speak 3 weeks after surgery. Estramustine-Based Chemotherapy Estramustine is a conjugate of estrogen mustard and estradiol. Patterns of failure following high-dose 3-D conformal radiotherapy for high-grade astrocytomas: a quantitative dosimetric study. It has become apparent, however, that many other differences may exist between these preparations 61 and, therefore, these simple conversions may not be entirely valid. Wide pelvic lymphadenectomy including lateral pelvic lymph nodes has been proposed for the treatment of rectal cancer. Despite the prone position, the small bowel (arrows) remains fixed in the pelvis, and it cannot be excluded from the lateral fields. Kondziolka and colleagues reported that 93% of their patients treated with radiosurgery and followed for 5 to 10 years required no further therapy for their tumors. Treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma in situ with a high-energy pulsed carbon dioxide laser. The pattern is usually diffuse, without a distinct marginal zone or nodularity in the red pulp. Synthetic analogues of fumagillin that inhibit angiogenesis and suppress tumour growth. Even when growing to large size, those lesions that remain benign rarely affect clinical facial nerve function. This is not limiting in that cancer patterns vary relatively little over the developed world. Women should be advised to do breast self-examinations on a monthly basis and to have annual mammography and gynecologic examinations. Furthermore, there is also a small but finite risk of tumor spillage and seeding of the needle biopsy tract. In promoting such transfers, molecular biology facilitates and maximizes the transfer of biologic discoveries into diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic applications. Distal Femur, distal or mid-part of the femur; Prox Humerus, proximal part of the humerus; Prox Femur, proximal portion of the femur; Prox Tibia, proximal portion of the tibia. Local Recurrence, Tumor Necrosis, and Surgical Margins During the 1990s, many surgeons intuitively believed that a patient with a good response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy was more likely to undergo a limb-sparing procedure safely than a patient with a poor response. Versatile approach to encoding combinatorial organic syntheses using chemically robust secondary amine tags. This approach has served as a model for other cancers of the successful use of curative nonoperative combined modality therapy.

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Histologically, these tumors are characterized by dense cellularity, high proliferation indices, microvascular proliferation, and focal necrosis. Finally, the requirement for symmetry in biologic characteristics of tumors in different patients is unrealistic. Impact of enucleation versus plaque radiotherapy in the management of juxtapapillary choroidal melanoma on patient survival. Multiple new agents are now available, 727 many of which have a favorable toxicity profile. Malaise or asthenia have been prominent complaints in patients who have been treated with large cumulative doses, particularly when docetaxel is administered on a continuous weekly schedule. While diagnostic confirmation of relapse may be required, there was no therapeutic benefit identified to resection of a solitary pulmonary metastasis in addition to pulmonary radiotherapy and chemotherapy alone. Treatment of the residual retroperitoneal mass after chemotherapy for advanced seminoma. In contrast, the risk of relapse after subtotal resection ranges from 33% to 60% at 5 years to more than 90% at 15 years. Can p53 help select patients with invasive bladder cancerfor bladder preservation? Because epidemiologic studies are largely observational, it is important to replicate findings from one study in other groups or populations to evaluate the consistency of the results. Merkel-cell carcinoma is a distinct entity that is primarily found in the skin and can be distinguished by certain immunocytochemical characteristics. Although the median survival was 20 months, the authors concluded that the complexity and toxicity of this treatment regimen precluded its further use. Cystoscopy and ureteroscopy are strongly recommended for patients with large tumors or tumors involving the anterior vaginal wall. It is reasonable to conclude that there is a small but statistically significant reduction in mortality for women in their 40s. An extremely important by-product of cytoreductive surgery is the acquisition of adequate tissue for histopathologic examination. Because of the effectiveness of polypectomy, the follow-up procedure should be colonoscopy. One-third to one-half of all medulloblastomas have an isochromosome 17q on cytogenetic analysis, 71 and corresponding allelic loss of chromosome 17p has been noted on molecular genetic analysis. Thus far, all dosage adjustment recommendations for etoposide in patients with renal dysfunction are based on hematopoietic toxicity; whether adjusting etoposide dosage compromises antitumor efficacy is unknown. Except in rare palliative settings, there is no role for cytoreductive surgery in patients for whom little other effective therapy exists. Pilocytic astrocytomas do not have the same genomic alterations as diffuse, fibrillary astrocytomas. Evidence of bone destruction and a wide area of transition with periosteal reaction are noted. No one analytic study, however large and methodologically robust, is likely to "prove" a causal association. In a retrospective study of colorectal cancer patients, it was found that levels of the secondary bile acid deoxycholic acid were higher than normal and that the ratio between deoxycholic acid and cholic acid may be an indicator of risk. Mxi1, a protein that specifically interacts with Max to bind Myc-Max recognition sites. Tumors located near the macula or papillary area and those with a mushroom shape should not be treated with photocoagulation. The following conclusions concerning the effect of radiation on the immune response can be made 81: 1. The most important determinant of local recurrence was the type of surgical margin and the response to chemotherapy. When the former type of gene is activated through amplification or mutation to a hyperfunctioning form, it exerts a positive effect of cell growth. Despite evidence of promising response rates with chemoembolization, the survival benefit of the procedure is still in question. However, there are many pitfalls in the histologic diagnosis of malignant lymphoma, and immunophenotyping or, less often, genetic studies can be useful in resolving major differential diagnostic problems (Table 45.

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Amifostine pretreatment for protection against cyclophosphamide-induced and cisplatin-induced toxicities: results of a randomized control trial in patients with advanced ovarian cancer. This mostly inaccessible location is best approached by complex but precise and well-described skull base techniques. The positive detection rate in peripheral blood samples increased with advancing stage of disease. In addition, tumor nodules in tissue may appear to be normal and not continuous with the main tumor. Technical advances in antigen retrieval augment the power of tissue immunohistology but also increase the potential for false-positive results. Three-year overall survival improved from 2% to 16% with the addition of daily cisplatin. The influence of surgical resection and intraoperative brachytherapy in the management of superior sulcus tumor. Impact of dose on local control and development of complications in patients with advanced gynecological malignancies treated by interstitial template boost technique. As targets of mutant transcription factors generated are identified, it is hoped that they may represent additional targets for therapeutic intervention. Randomized study of systemic chemotherapy following complete excision of nonosseous sarcomas. Combined endoluminal and external irradiation of inoperable oesophageal carcinoma. Although each pharmaceutical company and, indeed, each therapeutic target has different criteria for the categorization of a lead molecule, the development process is basically the same. Evidence in the literature supports using fluoropyrimidines as radiosensitizers, and chemoradiotherapy is used as standard therapy for a number of other tumor types. Chest radiograph (A) and abdominal computed tomographic scan (B) showing complete regression of disease. Ultrasonic assessment of the contour and thickness of the endometrium is frequently used to monitor such patients, but its value is unproven. Due to the rising incidence of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, gastroesophageal junction, and cardia in the United States, 3 patients with this histology now make up two-thirds of referrals for chemotherapy. The search for therapeutic gain in the combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The important concept in the prevention of biliary sepsis is the understanding that jaundice alone is not necessarily an indication for biliary decompression. Biliary obstruction then can also be treated by endoscopic stenting or, if necessary, through percutaneous transhepatic stenting to avoid surgery. Distribution of Malignant Tumors of the Small Bowel by Site in 27 Series Adenocarcinoma Adenocarcinomas constitute 25% of all small bowel tumors and 39% of all malignant small bowel tumors. This technique is very accurate for the detection of the renal arteries, renal vein involvement, and extension into the inferior vena cava. However, there appears to be a higher propensity to spread outside the peritoneal cavity. A comparison with matched controls from a contemporary surgical series is planned. At the time of thyroid hormone withdrawal for both initial postoperative scans and for subsequent follow-up scans, Tg is measured in conjunction with the diagnostic whole body scan and may be more sensitive than the scan in detecting cancer, as demonstrated by several investigators. Conservation surgery, radiation strategies, reinnervation of free flaps, and larynx-sparing protocols continue to be used under various circumstances in an attempt to maintain or reestablish functional speech, voice, and swallowing in head and neck cancer patients. These problems relate to conservation of mass, diffusion distances from the cavity to the outer margin of tumor, nonspecific biodegradation and binding of drug or drug products, and the need for repeat treatments. The inferences from this type of analysis are often difficult to interpret and somewhat limited, because the risks do not reflect comparisons between affected and unaffected individuals but between affected individuals. The disease presumably is caused by a urogenous agent(s), possibly the same as that, or those, which cause squamous and transitional cell carcinomas of the lower urinary tract. Melanoma cells and activated endothelial cells share a number of adhesion molecules that allow heterophilic adhesion between these two cell types in a similar manner as homophilic adhesion between the malignant cells. Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the liver remnant after hepatic resection. Given no statistically significant benefit in a population of patients typically healthier than patients not enrolled on protocols, the data do not support the routine use of adjuvant chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma outside of the setting of a clinical trial. The treatment is surgical, if possible, even in the more than 60% of cases in which metastases are present at the time of diagnosis (.

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The overall accuracy was 72% for scintigraphy, 75% for ultrasound, and 96% for laparoscopy. Usually, as information is collected from participants routinely before being affected with a specific type of cancer, there is much less problem with differential information from affected and unaffected participants. Grading systems have been based on cytologic detail or a pattern grading classification based on the degree to which a tumor forms papillary structures or glands versus solid tumor. For nearly a century one microbe after another that appeared to cause cancer in man was identified but soon discarded. B: the same patient, with a cut through a level below the orbits but through the maxillary antrum. The greatest impact on decreased smoking habits appears to be the societal stigma directed at smokers. Superficial, nerve-sparing parotidectomy is indicated for palpable metastatic lesions for local tumor control. The preoccupation with liberal resection of facial nerve, mandible, and other important structures solely because they are in the field no longer dominates surgical philosophy. Genetic testing allows the accurate identification of patients at high risk of developing an invasive cancer, and the organ at risk is removed surgically with low morbidity. Cancers characterized by erosion are believed to manifest earlier than those characterized by invasion. Prognostic risk factors that identify patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors at low risk and high risk for metastasis. Factorial designs in clinical trials: the effects of non-compliance and subaddictivity. Ninety-one patients with high-grade lesions were randomized; 47 to receive radiotherapy and 44 to not receive radiotherapy. These patients had a higher 30-day mortality, a higher rate of early cholangitis, a higher death rate from sepsis, and a shorter postprocedure survival. Whether the earlier initiation of androgen deprivation therapy increases survival duration has long been debated. In circumstances in which more than 1 cm of tumor is left behind, a permanent volume implant is usually required. The significance of calcified regional lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis of osteosarcoma. Overall survival for myasthenia patients also is lower for patients with thymomas, but no differences were noted based on the extent of invasion present. Two trials suggest a benefit for chemotherapy over observation alone after cystectomy. The 20% of patients in this group who develop recurrent disease includes a majority with local cervical recurrences either in lymph nodes or the thyroid bed and a minority of patients with distant metastases to the lung, bone, and liver. Spectrum of pheochromocytoma in multiple endocrine neoplasia: a scintigraphic portrayal using 131-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine. Disease-free (A) and overall (B) survival of patients with early-stage ovarian cancer. In general, elective treatment of regional lymph nodes in patients without clinical evidence of lymph node metastases is not indicated. If maintained properly, these lines can last for as long as 1 year and can be used for chemotherapy12 or total parenteral nutrition. Improved survival through a decrease in local and regional failure and distant metastatic rates was the primary goal. A new family of genes coding for an antigen recognized by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes on a human melanoma. B: Defect following Mohs micrographic surgery demonstrating extension of cancer into the upper eyelids. It has been estimated that approximately two to three logs of leukemic blasts are killed during the induction phase of therapy, leaving a residual leukemic burden of approximately 100 million cells. For midline tumors of the midclivus and lower clivus, a transoral resection is commonly used. Vegetarian women, who consume higher amounts of fiber and lower amounts of fat, have lower blood levels and reduced urinary excretion of estrogens, apparently due to increased fecal excretion.

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Almost all of these resections can be done using minimally invasive techniques, and even bilateral procedures can be undertaken with low morbidity. It has been proposed that all neoplasms showing primitive poorly differentiated neuroepithelial cells be called primitive neuroectodermal tumors, regardless of location or cell type. The median survival time for radiosurgery-eligible glioblastoma multiforme patients was 12. In addition, the described surveillance protocol may be impractical for most physicians to follow. The coding sequence of each of the two genes is proximal to its physiologic regulatory sequences, which coordinate the normal expression of the gene. The incidence of axillary nodal involvement is known to be related principally to tumor size. Randomized trial of intensive cyclophosphamide, epirubicin, and fluorouracil chemotherapy compared with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil in premenopausal women with node-positive breast cancer. The first widely used system was introduced by Dukes in the 1930s and, like the majority of staging systems developed to date, relied on information obtained during surgery. Another pretreatment assessment should be performed by a speech and swallowing therapist, especially in those circumstances in which resection of critical organs is anticipated, such as the tongue, palate, and pharyngeal wall. Evidence that indomethacin reversibly inhibits cell growth in the G 1 phase of the cell cycle. The tumors tend to be well circumscribed and consist of tightly packed cells around thin-walled vascular channels of varying calibers. The earliest antigen-independent stages of T-cell differentiation occur in the bone marrow; later stages occur in the thymic cortex. The feasibility of dose escalation with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in patients with prostatic carcinoma. When they have been satisfactorily placed, they are afterloaded with the radiation sources. Microinvasive carcinoma of the breast: is axillary lymph node dissection indicated? Closure is carried out in multiple layers, with particular attention to a tight dural closure to decrease the risk for pseudomeningocele (bulging wound) formation and the risk for aseptic meningitis and consequent communicating hydrocephalus from spilled blood products. Nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs and tamoxifen for desmoid tumors and carcinoma of the stomach. The risk of local and distant cancer progression and, ultimately, death rises with T stage. One large study from France of 59 patients reported local recurrences within the radiation field in 30% of patients. Because of different embryologic development and different lymphatic patterns that are subsite-specific, to discuss larynx cancers without specific reference to the exact location(s) within that structure invites inaccuracies in staging and miscalculations in treatment planning. A spectrogram that portrays frequency, intensity, and format information descriptive of resonant frequencies of the vocal tract provides additional baseline data regarding tongue placement and resonance. Chemotherapy plus local treatment in the management of intraocular retinoblastoma. Patients with adenocarcinoma had a 5-year survival of 27%, whereas none of those with squamous cell cancer were alive at 5 years. Partial moles show a variable amount of focal trophoblastic hyperplasia and have identifiable fetal or embryonic tissues. Cryosurgery has been shown to be effective in the treatment of some hepatic malignancies. Limited hepatic resection effective for selected cirrhotic patients with primary liver cancer. Although the previous results must be confirmed by a larger prospective trial, the results are already intriguing. However, as bone invasion is relatively uncommon in soft tissue sarcoma, it has not been uniformly included in any staging system, but should certainly be considered as a poor prognostic factor. Concomitant chemoradiotherapy: rationale and clinical experience in patients with solid tumors. Determination of Extent of Disease the two issues to be resolved by the extent-of-disease evaluation are whether the disease is isolated to the liver and whether distribution of tumor in the liver is amenable to surgical excision.

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Surgical staging in endometrial cancer: clinical-pathologic findings of a prospective study. The red region represents the prescription isodose distribution, and the yellow region corresponds to approximately 70% to 80%, green to 45% to 70%, and blue to 45% or less of the prescription dose. Oxygen dependence of the transverse relaxation time of water protons in whole blood at high field. Tamoxifen-associated endometrial carcinoma in postmenopausal breast cancer patients. Preoperative x-ray therapy as an adjuvant in the treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma. Wallner and coworkers reviewed the outcome of 20 patients with supratentorial and infratentorial low-grade ependymomas treated with partial or whole brain irradiation after surgery; only 1 in 16 patients, who was eventually found to have a local recurrence, developed spinal dissemination. Decline in cigarette consumption following implementation of a comprehensive tobacco prevention and education programOregon, 19961998. The intensity of contrast enhancement correlates in a rough sense with the tumor grade, probably because generally higher-grade lesions have increased neovascularity. Because of the malignant nature of these tumors, if imaging studies demonstrate a possible resectable tumor, results suggest that patients with somatostatinomas will benefit from surgical resection. There are six major areas in which the modern surgical oncologist can play a valuable role in the care of cancer patients at major treatment centers 31: Organizing surgical oncology teaching programs for staff, residents, and students Providing expert consultation for unusual or difficult oncologic patient problems Providing unique surgical expertise in surgical cases unfamiliar to general surgeons. With proximal early-stage tumors, the role of brachytherapy alone or to augment the total dose is unknown, but curative treatment can be applied in this fashion. Women in both the high-risk and moderate-risk cohorts appeared to have a significant reduction in the risk of dying from breast cancer after prophylactic surgery. For example, radiation is damaging to the cell membrane and changes membrane transport. A benign liver cyst was fenestrated under laparoscopic guidance and provided effective therapy for a benign condition while avoiding the potential morbidity of a laparotomy. Technetium liver spleen scans that show more uptake in the spleen than liver suggest occult liver disease, and a liver biopsy should be done before considering splenectomy. Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: collaborative reanalysis of data from 51 epidemiological studies of 52,705 women with breast cancer and 108,411 women without breast cancer. Streptozotocin prevents development of nitrosamine-induced pancreatic cancer in the Syrian hamster. Prediction of carboplatin clearance calculated by patient characteristics or 24-hour creatinine clearance: a comparison of the performance of three formulae. Undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver in childhood: morphology, flow cytometry, and literature review. It uses advanced imaging technology for tumor and normal organ segmentation, new algorithms for dose calculations, and computer-aided optimization to generate treatment plans that conform the prescribed dose to the tumor while maximally excluding the adjacent normal organs. Screening may ultimately be more effective in women with a positive family history of ovarian cancer. Prostate-specific antigen velocity and repeated measures of prostate-specific antigen. Resection was performed 8 weeks following the start of chemotherapy, and a variety of operations were allowed. Sphincter-saving alternatives in the management of adenocarcinoma involving the distal rectum. In patients with macroscopic disease, more than one positive lymph node, and an ulcerated primary lesion, the 5-year survival is only 16%. High rates of ras codon 61 mutation in thyroid tumors in an iodide-deficient area. Randomized trial of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow support as adjuvant therapy for high-risk, multi-node-positive malignant melanoma. Finally, radiation therapy salvaged some patients with residual disease after subtotal resection, resulting in a 37% 5-year disease-free survival. More recent work has suggested that there may be one or more regions of specific loss on the short arm of chromosome 8 and on 7q31.

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Examples in this category include antigens from the Epstein-Barr virus, 281,282 human T-cell leukemia virus type I, 283 the hepatitis B virus, 284 and the E6 and E7 proteins from human papillomavirus-16. The distribution reported from analyses of two large National Cancer Institute databases from 1950 to 1971 and from 1973 to 1991 are contrasted in Table 38. Tamoxifen has agonistic, partial agonistic, or antagonistic effects depending on the species, target, or end points that have been assessed. Response varies by site, with the larynx and nasopharynx being most responsive and the oral cavity less responsive. At Memorial Sloan-Kettering, the general approach is to deliver preoperative combined modality therapy both as a therapeutic measure and to help identify those who may benefit from an aggressive surgical approach. The germline configuration of Ig H on chromosome 14q32 also is shown in the upper panel of the figure. Small series of patients in whom brain metastases were present at diagnosis have been treated with standard chemotherapy regimens without radiation, and the majority have demonstrated both clinical and radiographic improvement. Certain forms of intralesional chemotherapy may be considered depending on the clinical circumstances. In 12 patients, there was a local control rate of 82% and overall survival of 45%. Reduced expression of plakoglobin indicates an unfavorable prognosis in subsets of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. The corresponding figure for African American children is only slightly lower at 0. Patient randomization was done intraoperatively after frozen section evaluation of the inguinal nodes. Prospective computer assisted voice analysis for patients with early stage glottic cancer: a preliminary report of the functional result of laryngeal irradiation. If saturation occurs at clinically relevant concentrations, the clearance generally decreases dramatically at higher doses, and the drug is considered to have nonlinear pharmacokinetics. Dietary factors in colorectal cancer and their possible effects on earlier stages of hyperproliferation and adenoma formation. Impact of radiation therapy fraction size on local control of early glottic carcinoma. Tumor vascularitya novel prognostic factor in advanced cancer of the uterine cervix. When this occurs, the natural interconnection of lymphatic channels allows lymph nodes at a great distance from the relevant chain to be affected. Adequate tissue obtained in a nontraumatic fashion is critical to histopathologic diagnosis. Stopping trials when the experimental regimen E is not appearing more effective than C but is not statistically significantly worse than C is sometimes controversial. This multidisciplinary approach results in good local control, while minimizing the potential morbidity of a more extensive initial resection or amputation. Malignant hypertension due to a renin-secreting renal cell carcinoma: an ultrastructural immunocytochemical study. The Bayesian approach also avoids a preliminary test of interaction having poor power. Endocrine changes with the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole hydrochloride in breast cancer. Splenic size was the only preoperative factor found to be predictive of postoperative complications. Considerations regarding the less-than-expected thrombocytopenia encountered with combination paclitaxel/carboplatin chemotherapy. A control group of patients with normal renal and hepatic function was also studied. Both experimental and early clinical results suggest that dexrazoxane may reduce the cardiotoxicity of the doxorubicin and paclitaxel combination.

