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A meta-analysis has 352 shown that neoadjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy increases 5-year overall survival significantly from 45 per cent to 50 per cent. Additional analyses with mature clinical data and genomic sequencing will be provided at the meeting. An example of a chemical agent that acts by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase is a: a. However, the effect of cigarette smoking on potential thorium exposure remains unclear. Treatment continued for up to 96 weeks, or until disease progression or the development of unacceptable toxicity. Other risk factors include dissatisfaction with body type and exposure to media portrayals of an "ideal" shape. Experiments are underway to assess the long-term effect of breastfeeding on breast epithelial cell hierarchy and biomarkers of inflammation. Some of the poorer countries of the region (Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos) have only recently established schools of public health. A number of countries now have smoke-free workplaces and other public places, including restaurants and bars, but these are mostly in the West, although some jurisdictions in Asia have taken steps toward creating a smoke-free society. Interestingly, half of the patients that were seen by one physician also claimed they were initially misdiagnosed. MedTech Central, the electronic portfolio developed at our university was used for assessment collection. Because each oncology case is medically unique, these guidelines recommend a patient-specific approach consisting of the following components: diagnosis, staging, therapeutic intervention, provisions for patient and personnel safety in handling chemotherapy agents, referral to an oncology specialty practice when appropriate, and a strong emphasis on client support. The most common reason for liver transplantation is exposure to . Long-term studies are sparse in veterinary medicine, but these technologies offer the promise of higher doses to tumors, lower doses to normal structures, and fewer dosage fractions. Four cases of Achilles rupture or high-grade tear occurred 15-79 days post- procedure. The patient had a history of morbid obesity with longstanding lymphedema of both lower extremities. Diagnosing physician characteristics (age, years in practice, employment status), and hospital characteristics (teaching states, location, type of hospital) were not associated with radical cystectomy use. The patient lies on a carbon-fibre couch top with neck extended with a vacuum moulded bag to support the head and shoulders. Conclusions: Our results suggest that prescribers with a history of prescribing higher opioid doses are an important predictor of chronic opioid use among cancer patients undergoing curative-intent surgery. Asphyxial cardiac arrest can cause death or long-term encephalopathy, resulting from both hypoxic-ischemic and reperfusion injury. The most common histopathologic types of cervical cancer include squamous cell carcinoma (69%) and adenocarcinoma (25%) [21]. Serve the meat with the sauce, or return the meat to the sauce in the pan to reheat briefly and coat it with the sauce. Results: At the time of data cutoff (March 2019), the median duration follow-up was 112 months. Roast Beef Gravy, page 292 Jus Liй, page 292 Tomato Sauce for Pasta, with variations, page 639 Pesto, page 644 Mole Poblano, page 409 Salsa Verde, page 489 Basic Vinaigrette and variations, page 723 American French Dressing, page 725 Oriental Vinaigrette, page 725 Mayonnaise and variations, page 728 Broths and Jus Beginning with the introduction of nouvelle cuisine in the 1970s,chefs looked for ways to eliminate starch thickeners in sauces in order to make them lighter. The practice has to demonstrate that it provides safety measures including the following: 10. It is so concentrated-reduced by three-fourths or more-that it is solid and rubbery when refrigerated. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be an autosomal dominant disorder (>50% of cases) or idiopathic. However, with more chemicals being imported from China, India, and other countries, it is important that dyes routinely be tested for bound contaminants. Urine cotinine levels (ng / mL) in nonsmoking controls and catering workers by type of restaurant. The risk of lymph node metastases relates to the depth of tumour invasion: 20 per cent for T1, 30 per cent for T2a and 60 per cent for T2b. A review of successful transport and home injury interventions to guide developing countries.

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Refer to Figure 48-1 and chapter heading "Physical Assessment: Female Breast" in the text. At day 8, one patient (now without progression for nearly 2 years) had no tumor cells remaining with only immune cells and stromal fibroblasts left. Provide a systematic algorithmic approach for analyzing and reporting adult spinal deformity to the surgeon, to assist in patient management. The majority of suicides are among young rural women, and they are often apparently spontaneous rather than premeditated, with many women using pesticides or other agricultural poisons readily available in rural areas (Phillips, 2009). Conclusions: this study supports the Leapfrog initiative for performance of high-risk surgical oncology procedures by highvolume surgeons at high-volume hospitals. A major redistribution of societal and health resources is needed to address a problem of this size" (Phillips et al. The two Therapeutic Modalities Perhaps no disease entity is more dependent on a multimodal therapeutic approach than cancer. Lower respiratory tract symptoms occur on day 2 to 3 of the illness, peak on day 5 to 7, and gradually resolve within 2 to 3 weeks. Normal intelligence and life span are expected, though hypotonia in infancy can delay motor milestones. This is not simply a consequence of a lack of opportunitytolearn,itisnotsolelyaresultofmentalretardation,anditisnotdue toanyformofacquiredbraintraumaordisease. This will usually mean a 6 cm circleshaped field for simple drain sites with larger fields for patients who have had a thoracotomy for a video-assisted thoracoscopic pleurodesis or a decortication. There was a case of grade 4 pneumonitis and a case of grade 3 autoimmune hepatitis which lead to discontinuation of the treatment. Thanks to primary health care delivery and other community-based approaches, these countries have achieved significant declines in malnutrition and poor health in children and women (Thailand is one example; see box 4. Pts with at least stable disease following 4-6 cycles of Pem-platinum were stratified by first-line regimen (cis- or carboplatin) and histology (epithelioid versus other) and randomized 1:1 to Obs or continuation of Pem until progression. Copying and distributing these reprints is a violation of our licensing agreement with these publishers and is strictly prohibited. Modernizing governments of Asia have taken the lead in legislating traffic laws, including seat belt and motorcycle helmet regulations, but compliance is poor. Prior to 2010, the only agents with a proven survival benefit for patients with metastatic disease were androgen deprivation therapy and docetaxel. Exposure level estimates for inhalation intakes of nicotine or thorium were not reported, and the external gamma-ray exposure rate was between 0. From these we get our five leading sauces, also known as mother sauces, as shown in Chart 8. More information is needed due to increase in both state approvals and access to medical marijuana. In most primary care clinics in Asia, doctors have just 10 to 15 minutes per patient-insufficient time to make a comprehensive assessment of each patient. In each case, specific recipes follow a discussion of theories, guidelines, and general procedures applicable to a defined category of foods and/or cooking methods. In order to avoid overcooking, you may need to undercook the large batch slightly. Signs and symptoms that your hormone glands are not working properly may include: · rapid heart beat · weight loss or weight gain · increased sweating · feeling more hungry or thirsty · urinating more often than usual · hair loss · feeling cold · constipation · your voice gets deeper · muscle aches · dizziness or fainting · headaches that will not go away or unusual headache Kidney problems, including nephritis and kidney failure. Only the applicable T, N, or M category is required for reporting; their definitions need not be included in the report. Primary: Intermediary: Secondary: 5. At that time, he seemed confused, was unsteady on his feet, and his speech was slurred. The frenum is divided with small sterile scissors at its thinnest portion and above the submandibular salivary gland ducts. Mutation testing was performed using a whole-exome next-generation sequencing panel. Marination, Flavor, and Tenderness the first thing to be said about farm-raised venison is that it is milder in flavor than venison hunted in the wild. Cancer types included lung (N = 9), pancreas (N = 7), breast (N = 5), prostate (N = 1), gallbladder (N = 1), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (N = 1), and cancer of unknown primary (N = 1).

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If the spectrum of the therapeutic regimen is appropriate for surgical prophylaxis based on the site of surgery then an additional dose should be given within 60 minutes before surgical incision. The commonest site of oropharyngeal tumours is the lateral wall, which is made up of the tonsils, tonsillar fossae and palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches. A large proportion have no experience working with heavy machinery and little understanding of common industrial hazards such as electricity. Radiographs may show widening of the medial epicondyle epiphysis; contralateral radiographs may be helpful for comparison if this finding is subtle. We will also present data on relative cost-effectiveness of the different regimens. This confluence of malice and anger, impetuousness and malevolence, mirth and depression represented by the spleen effectively symbolizes the nuances and variances that characterize life itself. Define the term osmosis, and explain how a fluid concentration gradient influences the movement between fluid compartments. Primary tumour ­ adjuvant treatment After a curative resection the surgeon, pathologist and oncologist should meet to discuss the role and extent of adjuvant radiotherapy. Evidence of continuing protection against group A meningococcal disease one year after vaccination: a casecontrol approach. The deficit concerns mastery of basic computational skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, rather than of the more abstract mathematical skills involvedinalgebra,trigonometry,geometryorcalculus. Long-term use of antiseizure medication in women leads to an increased incidence of: a. Tumor biopsies are performed at baseline, 24-72 hours after the second cycle and at progression with appropriate written informed consent. There has been growing willingness to employ sectorwide approaches for health systems development in some low-income countries, such as Cambodia and Papua New Guinea, which suggests these approaches can be an effective investment in health systems capacity and 298 / Health Services government ownership. Results: B was used in combination with chemo at 1L and as 1L maintenance monotherapy in 11% total study patients. It is divided into a lower third 3­6 cm, middle third 5­6 cm to 8­10 cm, and upper third 8­10 to 12­15 cm from the anal verge. The issue is particularly complicated in those Asian countries with a massive population and heterogeneous pace of development (such as China and Indonesia), ethnically diverse populations (such as Malaysia and Singapore), and other health priorities and social problems (such as control of various infectious diseases and poverty). Ideally blood glucose concentrations should be maintained in the normal range while undergoing diagnostic evaluation. Survival time calculated as the difference between first cycle of platinum-based chemotherapy and death or last observation. An increased health consciousness has affected the way we think about food and the way we cook. The patient would be repositioned every 2 hours for the purpose of:. Imaging features of pigmented villonodular synovitis with emphasis on sonographic findings. Abbreviations used in Europe are somewhat different,such as lowercase l instead of uppercase L for liter. The importance of identification of ankyloglossia (short lingual frenum) as a cause of breast-feeding problems. A mother experiencing such pain may often contemplate switching the baby to a bottle. You are going to serve the soup this evening,and your dinner service lasts from 6 until 10 p. Recognition of the tissue of origin and grading of the tumour will then often be possible. Laboratory results from the emergency department show: · White blood cells, 11,300/µL (11. The rate of clearance generally changes with time from each region and by each route. Frequent bacterial infections in a young child, especially of skin, lung, and sinus, should raise concern for an underlying immunodeficiency.

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Other methods utilized to stabilize the airway include prone positioning, nasopharyngeal airways, tongue lip adhesion, or a mandibular advancement procedure. Thus far 23/31 pts were resected, 3 pts are planned for surgery, 3 pts had interval metastases preoperatively, 1 pt died during treatment (pulmonary embolism), and 1 pt declined surgery. Maintaining a relatively consistent sleep pattern every day of the week is another key way to help maintain an appropriate-for-circumstances biological clock. In untreated patients (n = 156) 3 subgroups were identified: immune low (83, 53%) with low level expression of all 9 markers, immune high (14, 9%) with high expression of all or majority of markers and intermediate (59, 38%) with heterogenous marker expression. Do not code apocrine carcinoma when the diagnosis specifies apocrine differentiation or features. Microscopic examination demonstrates hypertrophy and hyperplasia of bronchial mucous glands (Reid index equals the submucosal gland thickness divided by the bronchial wall thickness between the pseudostratified columnar epithelium and the perichondrium; normal ratio is 0. Relationships between indices of obesity and its co-morbidities in multi-ethnic Singapore. At conception, the sex of a child is determined because each parent gives. Baroreceptors are located in the and, whereas chemoreceptors are located in the and. The authors presented data from a retrospective case series of patients with spleen injuries seen in a single trauma center over an interval of 10Ѕ years. The size is chosen clinically as the smallest needed to palliate the bleeding effectively with the fewest side effects, and may not include the whole tumour. All the diet schemes and fashions in the world-at least the ones that are medically sound-can be reduced to this. Unsupervised clustering showed enrichment of ccA samples (better prognosis) compared to ccB samples (worse prognosis). An X-ray of his right foot showed dissolution of the bony matrix of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe, with findings suggestive of osteomyelitis. These study findings agreed with those for China (mentioned above) that stunted obesity may not be a major public health problem in these subregions of Asia. In the exceptional circumstances that no measurement of weightisavailable,relianceshouldbeplacedonclinicalevidence. If treatment is for medulloblastoma, a homogeneous dose is required to potential tumour cells within the spinal cord which is therefore placed at point P, and point P is moved in a cranio-caudal direction at regular intervals to prevent any risk of overdose at Figure 2. Organ distribution of thorium in thorium workers: Good agreement with new models of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Answer should include any four of the following: infection, pulmonary artery rupture, pulmonary thromboembolism, pulmonary infarction, catheter kinking, dysrhythmias, and air embolism. Tissue destruction is related to dose, treatment volume, and dose-perfraction, and can be limited through the use of fractionated radiation therapy. It is estimated that approximately % of consumers in the United States follow holistic health practices. Complicated vascular anomalies have limited therapeutic options and cause significant morbidity and mortality. Dry-heat methods are those in which the heat is conducted without moisture- that is, by hot air, hot metal, radiation, or hot fat. McClusky and colleagues pointed out that ancient Greek and Roman physicians understood both the need to unite anatomy and physiology in order to understand organ function and the contributions of organs to the function of the human organism; these ancient scholars stressed the relationship of structure to function. Improvement of access to autologous bone marrow transplantation may improve survival in high-risk racial/ethnic groups. Time will show that mutations in genes that control the cell cycle, protooncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, are at the heart of many forms of cancer including oral cancer. It is also now recognized that the somatic/germline paired analyses of tumors provides significant information over and above tumor-only approaches. Guidelines for the Management of Unscheduled Interruption or Prolongation of a Radical Course of Radiotherapy, 2nd edn. Age seems to play a major role when choosing the mode of anaesthesia: half of the infants aged between 1 and 23 months were operated under local or no anaesthesia compared to 31% in the preschool age group.

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Patients were divided into three groups based on the year of diagnosis; group 1- 2004-07 (n=831), group 2-2008-12 (n=1161), and group 3-2013-17 (n=1457). Results: Despite progressive disease 100% of the patients responded to the treatment. Because food continues to cook at these temperatures, it should be held for as short a time as possible. The specific plant causing symptoms for the girl in the vignette, philodendron, is a common houseplant that causes mucous membrane irritation because of the presence of tiny needleshaped calcium oxalate bundles (raphides) throughout its structure. Hypoxia: decreased oxygen supply to the tissues:: Hypoxemia:. For example, an eye-tracking study on signature examination found that "lay participants focused to a greater extent on individual features such as arches, eyelets, hooks, shoulders, connections, troughs, or other individual features" that catch the eye, and "appear[ed] less likely to use holistic features. This is a major principle in the thickening of sauces and in the production of breads and pastries. The importance of a clear, shared understanding of the referral process by the pet owner, primary care veterinarian, and specific referral specialists or referral centers cannot be overemphasized. I have also given numerous presentations and workshops on signature and document examination worldwide, including the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, and Turkey. A related action step is to delineate the rights and responsibilities of different actors for thoughtful stewardship of health data. Thorotrast exhibited unique physico-chemical characteristics that enabled it to distribute to , and remain within, bone marrow and selected other tissues. Bartter syndrome often presents in childhood with growth retardation, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and polyuria or polydipsia. Recognize urgent and unexpected vascular findings and review next steps to clinical management. It is important for the provider to acknowledge the pain that the child is experiencing is real. Choroid plexus carcinomas may be treated palliatively with short-term improved control. Grade 3-4 adverse events: 15/ 44% (diarrhea 0/12%, stomatitis 0/7%, anemia 2/10%, neutropenia 2/22%, thrombocytopenia 7/0%). The size of tumour in the nodes must be recorded as well as any extension through the capsule. Cerebrovascular disease is the third most frequent cause of death in industrial- ized countries, and it is the leading cause of serious disability in the United States. Lab studies show elevated conjugated bilirubin, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and elevated 5ґ-nucleotidase. Associations of clinicopathologic features with toxicity were evaluated by multivariate regression. In tibial plateau fractures the use of 3D models helps classify complex fractures and pre select the appropriate plates and screws, simulating the surgical procedure, in order to reduce surgical time and blood loss, as well as improving the patient-doctor communication. Laboratory results include: · Sodium, 140 mEq/L (140 mmol/L) · Potassium, 5 mEq/L (5 mmol/L) · Chloride, 100 mEq/L (100 mmol/L) · Bicarbonate, 15 mEq/L (15 mmol/L) · Glucose, 70 mg/dL (3. First Author: Andreas Seeber, Department of Internal Medicine V (Hematology and Oncology), Innsbruck, Austria Background: In the U. One curie is the quantity of radioactive material in which approximately 37 billion atoms disintegrate (decay) per second (3. Answer should include four of the following: steroids, proteins or peptides, polypeptides and glycoproteins, amines and amino acids, and fatty acid derivatives. The rate of all grade mucositis in patients with and without prophylaxis (99% vs 96%; p = 0. Increasing prevalence of multi-drug resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in the United States. Place items far enough apart and away from the inside walls of refrigerators so cold air can circulate. The object is to keep the proportions and the total yield as close as possible while arriving at practical measurements. Vaccination against hepatitis B is a very promising prospect for liver cancer prevention in Asia, especially in China and Southeast Asia, where the chronic carrier prevalence is 10­15% (Parkin et al. First Author: Reem Karmali, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Robert H. The infant in this vignette has a normal thyroid ultrasound but negative uptake on 99mTc uptake imaging.

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Tobacco hazard and occupational risk factors is contemporary inscrolled into the Guideline of Occupational Health Surveillance in China (abstract). An open fracture with extensive soft tissue damage is classified as a what grade fracture? Chemotherapy costs accounted for approximately a third of total spending and are likely to rise as innovation continues. These wines are added at the end of cooking (unlike red and white table wines,which must be cooked in a sauce) because their flavors are easily evaporated by heat. If you use an immersion blender, pass the soup through a food mill or sieve after purйeing it in order to remove fibers from the celery. An article that presented outcomes data for patients treated for splenic artery aneurysms was by Hogendoorn and coauthors97 in the Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2014. Therefore, the removal rate was found to be dependent on both sediment resuspension rate and the concentration of iron and manganese compounds (good adsorption properties) in water (Cochran 1984). Plasma viremia remained suppressed during the study suggesting no viral reactivation upon durvalumab treatment. If symptoms persist, an evaluation of the airway for alternate etiologies of chronic laryngitis is warranted. Codes If the patient control number is fewer than 20 characters, right-justify the characters and allow leading blanks. As the finding of periosteal reaction presents high frequency rate in the performed exams done at our service, even in several kinds of illness. Allergic contact gingivostomatitis from a temporary crown made of methacrylates and epoxy diacrylates. Very often, the most memorable part of a really fine meal is the sauce that enhances the meat or fish. Yin represents the female and negative forces, whereas yang represents the male positive energy. Tumor markers are usually normal cellular components that are increased in neoplasms but may also be elevated in nonneoplastic conditions. One major change in the collection and coding of multiple primary tumors was important for the interpretation of cancer incidence statistics. Extrusion of a white, chalky material could also be noted amongst the ulcerations. They range from simple broths to elaborate concoctions of meats,vegetables, starches, and other ingredients. Severe contamination of drinking water and pollution of rivers, seas, and oceans have detrimental effects on food chain safety and public health in East and Southeast Asia. Tularemia Tularemia is caused by Francisella tularensis, a non motile, gram-negative rod. Assessment and Management of Patients With Hematologic Disorders 204 212 218 224 230 236 243 250 254 263 271 274 281 285 291 297 34. Only ten other states require the mail-ballot envelope to be witnessed in any form, with only Missouri and Oklahoma requiring this witness to be someone required to authorize oaths. In adults, severity is measured by several parameters, including the presence of ileus, megacolon, or shock. Comparative effectiveness of proton therapy versus photon therapy as part of concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced cancer. In some cases, appropriate imaging may include magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a specialized test that detects metabolites in the brain, for example, elevated lactate in the basal ganglia found in mitochondrial disease. If these nodes are positive, the border is at the lower margin of L4, individualised to include distal common iliac nodes. The majority of patients were treated on breast cancerspecific cohorts consistent with trends in Phase I trial design including more tumor specific cohorts. Sticking with a job at least a year or two shows prospective employers you are serious about your work and can be relied on.

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Effects of Thorotrast on humoral antibody viral multiplication and interferon during infection with St. Increased Consumption of Processed and Ready-to-Eat Foods Preparation of traditional foods and snacks can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. As with the ninth revision, it was intended to develop materials for the reorientation of trained coders, with the help of the collaborating centres. Most Asian countries do not, in theory, allow cigarette purchases by those under 18, but enforcement is highly variable. There is evidence that radical radiotherapy in fit men over 75 is very well tolerated and just as effective. Pyriform fossa tumours have the best prognosis ­ radiotherapy can achieve local control in 90 per cent of T1 tumours and 80 per cent of T2 tumours with a 5-year overall survival of 50­65 per cent. Final diagnosis of these diseases is challenging and usually requires a biopsy which can worsen the disease and cause severe problems. Information from the campaign also could be extracted into PowerPoint presentations, infographics, narratives of personal experiences, accounts by early adopters of new approaches, and other flexible and usable forms. These principles apply whether you are planning a banquet menu,where the diners have no choices; a school cafeteria menu, where students have only a few choices; or a large а la carte menu, where customers have many choices. Paracortical lymphoid hyperplasia involves T cells and may be seen with viruses, drugs (Dilantin), and systemic lupus erythematosus. C - Epidural fibrosis and hardware-related complications: implant malpositioning, implant loosening, and implant fracture. They also stated that the embryonic dorsal mesentery is responsible for building the splenic ligaments. Model training was typically performed using an initial set of genes derived from cancer cell line data when available, and further applied to patient data for model tuning, cross-validation and final gene signature development. Michigan State University, Flint, Michigan; April 2012 Musculoskeletal Imaging Case Conference 267. Pts were followed for safety for up to 100 days following their last dose; as of the previous 18-month database lock, all pts had been off study drug for. These fractures typically occur in young children, secondary to traction forces that occur when extremities are pulled or swung forcefully. Octreotide is associated with frequent treatment failure because of the development of tachyphylaxis. With bland, factory-raised chickens dominating the market, cooks and eaters are turning more and more to exotic poultry and are willing to pay the higher price. Non-nutrition programs such as smoking control and increased physical exercise, particularly in school children, were also promoted. Increasingly, Asia, particularly Southeast Asia, is recognizing that in order to control infectious disease and foster economic and social development, the region needs to develop coordinated approaches. Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of chondroblasts which may arise de novo or secondary to a preexisting enchondroma, exostosis, or Paget disease. This condition may result in speech that is slow, inaccurate, slurred and hypernasal. This is necessary to avoid injury to the more inferiorly placed submandibular ducts in the floor of the mouth. Further analysis could identify where additional guidance or regulations are needed. Biology, risk stratification, and therapy of pediatric acute leukemias: an update. Numbers of fractions for each phase can be varied so that the best compromise can be achieved for individual patients. A multidisciplinary steering committee including two medical oncologists, an oncology nurse, and an oncology pharmacist, led this initiative. Response prediction accuracy and sensitivity were among the model performance metrics calculated. The staging system applies to all soft tissue sarcomas of the head and neck except angiosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma of the embryonal and alveolar subtypes, Kaposi sarcoma, and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.


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