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In the absence of or in case of stock ruptures of Paromomycin, Pentavalent antimonials can be used in monotherapy (see Annexes 7 and 9). The guidelines recommend catheter-directed thrombolysis or pharmacomechanical clot removal for patients with acute ileofemoral thrombosis who have good pre-illness functional capacity and a normal life expectancy with acceptable bleeding risk. Pain is part of the "stress response complex" to prepare the patient for "fight or flight. Quinine-induced immune thrombocytopenic purpura followed by hemolytic uremic syndrome. Animal studies suggest that hypoglycemia causes brain injury via multiple mechanisms which include excess glutamate, an excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter, free fatty acid release and increased mitochondrial free radicals. The effects of opioids within the central nervous system are terminated by their redistribution into the circulation and not by their metabolism, which is negligible. It may assist in differentiating hemifacial spasm from other craniofacial movement disorders. Because steroids can also decrease the immune response, there are certain risks associated with the use of topical nasal steroids; these risks are relatively limited compared to those found with oral steroids because they do not have the same degree of widespread effect on the body that may occur with oral steroids. Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, mastoiditis, cholesteatoma, labyrinthitis, facial paralysis, meningitis, brain abscess, and lateral sinus thrombosis. Hypoglycemic newborn infants may present with a variety of symptoms or be entirely asymptomatic. Schedule a callback time or call back after an interval of at least one hour until maximum call attempts are reached. If intercourse continues, a vaginal lubricant and a slow approach to intercourse may help. As papilloedema progresses the whole disc is involved and splinter haemorrhages may be evident at the disc margin. Those signs and symptoms generally associated with these behaviors include dental erosions, parotid swelling, pharyngitis, chest pain (esophagitis), abdominal pain, hematemesis, and calluses or abrasions on the dorsum of the hand from self-induced vomiting. It is estimated that worldwide 1 in 8 individuals suffer, at least from time to time, from constipation. Rating 7700 Anemia, hypochromic-microcytic and megaloblastic, such as iron-deficiency and pernicious anemia: Hemoglobin 5gm/100ml or less, with findings such as high output congestive heart failure or dyspnea at rest. For example, burs are used in frontal sinus "drillout" procedures to reestablish proper frontal sinus drainage in some advanced cases of chronic frontal sinusitis. In some cases, simple lacrimal irrigation can dislodge the plug and effect patency of the canaliculus. A wealth of literature shows that geriatric patients are not provided with adequate pain management. He is president of the California Pharmacists Association and his appointments include vice president of clinical affairs for the American College of Apothecaries. Acquired neuromyotonia: evidence for autoantibodies directed against K1 channels of peripheral nerves. Patients with the salt-wasting form will additionally demonstrate laboratory evidence of hyponatremia and hyperkalemia in association with a suppressed aldosterone concentration and an elevated plasma renin activity. Patient position on the operating table is adjusted so that simultaneous thoracotomy and left femoral artery exposure is facilitated. Effect of severity of vestibular dysfunction on postural instability in idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy. Hemoglobin F (fetal hemoglobin) predominates in the normal newborn, and is completely replaced with hemoglobin A by 6 months of age. Treatment includes curettement, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, or other standard wart medications. Finally, potentially effective dissemination and education techniques developed in high-resource settings may also have to undergo some changes to be feasible in a specific low-resource setting. Interviewer training and supervision are particularly important in reducing or eliminating common sources of data collection error.

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If you have ever smoked part or all of a cigarette, even just one time in your entire life, how old were you? However, the method is less sensitive for the detection of purely osteolytic metastases. Conducted in human patients, the results showed that after a single, oral administration of C. What are the main pathways involved in the pathophysiology of nausea and vomiting? In the biomechanical mechanism, intraocular pressure causes mechanical stress and deformation of the lamina cribrosa, which serves as organizer of axons of the ganglion cells that form the optic nerve. Peripheral hypoechoic lesions of the prostate: evaluation with color and power Doppler ultrasound. Medial ligament rupture to the ulnar collateral ligament is not common in young athletes and is seen more in adults. Cancer was the leading cause of death, followed by heart disease for 35-84 year olds, and at ages 85 and higher, the causes were reversed with heart disease as the leading cause, followed by cancer. Guidelines promoted by the American Rhinologic Society and the Sinus & Allergy Health Partnership established a new methodology for dealing with this problem. I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure - which is: Try to please everybody. In a term infant, iron deficiency is uncommon before 4-6 months of age because of the abundance of iron stores at birth. Pregnancy wastage, unexplained stillbirths and other adverse perinatal outcomes are also increased. Crossreactivity between grass species is not uncommon and due to the extensive variety of grasses, allergy testing and treatment is geared toward identifying the most 49 allergenic and they rarely treat two grasses that fall within the same family. Good communication and explanations about the existing possibilities of therapy and about the prognosis can reduce fears and helplessness, and enable patients to cope better with the disease and its accompanying challenges. Eosinophil infiltration in post-transurethral resection prostatitis and cystitis with special reference to sequential changes of eosinophilia. The authors concluded that additional research and educational efforts were necessary to improve monitoring protocols and compliance with these protocols. Endoscopic or vascular interventions help with the reopening of airways and vessels by stenting or by laser or cryoextraction. Scars: Burn scar(s) of the head, face, or neck; scar(s) of the head, face, or neck due to other causes; or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck. If nasal septal surgery is performed, the patient could experience numbness of the front teeth, bleeding and infection in the nasal septum, or creation of a septal perforation. Comparison with Other States the median prevalence of diagnosed diabetes for the 50 states and District of Columbia was 10. Lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction: epidemiology and treatment in the aging man. These include succinylcholine, tubocurarine, furosemide, bendroflumethiazide, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. However, if this behavior is maintained, an increase in the muscular malfunction leads to a strengthening of the mechanism. Cantrell M, Bream-Rouwenhorst H, Steffensmeir A et al: Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome associated with alph-adrenergic receptor antagonists. Also, polytoricity, corneal asphericity, sagittal depth, carbonate lenses should be used if there is tear volume and lens features such as lens any significant difference in visual funcdesign and material, water content, edge tion between the eyes in order to protect profile and thickness. Placement of a nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach and maintenance of a normal temperature are essential. At month 24 the adjusted mean percent change in total prostate volume from baseline was -26. She was born by spontaneous vaginal delivery to a G2P1 A+ mother at 39 weeks with Apgar scores of 9 and 9 and 1 and 5 minutes. The use of systemic enzymes for Pulmonary Fibrosis is a new approach to combat the fibrin build up in the arterial lining within the lung walls. Many clinicians treat cellulitis and other suspected outpatient Staph aureus conditions with clindamycin instead of cephalosporins since resistance to cephalosporins is too frequent. Management of men with a first episode of acute urinary retention due to benign prostatic enlargement. Patients with a history of prior venous catheter placement may require contrast venography to determine the presence and locations of stenoses or occlusions.

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Studies have also shown that the risk of serious adverse reactions increases the longer extended-wear lenses are worn before removal for cleaning and disinfecting or for disposal and replacement. Two weeks following a viral illness, a teenage boy breaks out in an evolving rash that is remarkable for target lesions. The second pulmonary sound may be diminished, but the aortic component may be loud, as the aorta is anterior. Children whose weights are less than 80% of expected (ideal body weight estimated by tracking growth over time, as well as weight-for-height for infants or body mass index measurements for older children) are considered malnourished. This observation could be due to the elimination of interpheron alpha and lymphocytotoxic antibodies. This effect on the contractile elements are neither antagonized by adrenergic blocking agents nor prevented by vascular denervation. The type 2 error is the probability of incorrectly concluding that the two groups are the same. The balloon remodels the surrounding bone and soft tissues leaving behind a larger sinus opening for drainage. The number of days implanted was unknown in four of twenty-eight ­ the mean implant duration in twentyfour explants was approximately 812 days (range of 1 to 1946 days). The availability of retrievable vena cava filters potentially offers an opportunity to achieve benefit without the risk of long-term complications of permanent filters. A computer generated listing of 100 consecutive telephone numbers containing at least one published household telephone number. Tramadol (50­100 mg intravenous or oral, repeated 2 hourly to a maximum of 600 mg per day) is also an excellent choice for postoperative pain relief. Prevention through prophylactic immunization is the primary approach to measles in the United States. In addition, radiation safety issues including cumulative exposure to ionizing radiation should be considered. Exercise and Physical Activity Background A lifestyle lacking in regular physical activity has been associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular illness, cancer, osteoporosis and other debilitating conditions (National Center for Health Statistics, 2008). Post-operative procedures: No specific procedures are needed Annex 5: Procedures for Splenic (Spleen) Aspiration Splenic aspiration should be performed only if the following conditions are met: · absence of clinical contraindication(s): - signs of active bleeding. For purposes of this questionnaire subsequent references to "health carrier" include the Health Care Authority when administering the nonsubsidized Basic Health Plan. Breath testing (an insensitive test for only one subtype of gastrointestinal dysbiosis) and microbiologic testing have become popular to the point of overuse as doctors grapple for clinical clues. Hence, ongoing support and education from the primary care physician and referrals to psychiatry and occupational therapy become important components of the treatment plan. Additional data relevant to managing persistent abnormalities will be reviewed in the next section of this review. Analgesic effect of auricular acupuncture for cancer pain: a randomized, blinded, controlled trial. Parathyroid imaging: technique and role in the preoperative evaluation of primary hyperparathyroidism. It is non-enveloped and its protein capsid of icosahedral symmetry measures less than 30 nm in diameter. Following moderately advanced lesions, provided there is continued disability, emphysema, dyspnea on exertion, impairment of health, etc. The most common adverse reactions to tetanus immunization are fever and local reactions at the injection site. We are also becoming more aware of the effects of general outdoor and indoor pollution. The diagnosis of polyps (single or multiple) starts with the history of painless bright red bleeding, generally without anemia despite a protracted history, and no anal fissure on inspection. Although the majority of these children recover uneventfully, the overall mortality rate of pediatric trauma is estimated at 1. Thus, this combination should be used when patients do not respond well to atovaquone and azithromycin. Diagnosis and treatment of polysystic ovary syndrome: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline.

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Understanding the Claims Process MutualCare Secure Solution · Available in increments of $1 MutualCare Custom Solution · Available in increments of $50 · Amounts range from 1% to 4% of the policy limit. Spatial neglect, with or without anosognosia, may also occur, particularly with right-sided lesions producing a left hemiparesis. Successful pre-transplant management of a patient with anti-factor H autoantibodies-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Particularly, educative aspects (for example, the provision of a biopsychosocial treatment concept) play an important role within the framework, in helping the patient to acquire a better understanding of the complexity of pain. The key determinants of greenhouse gas emissions are energy production, consumption and efficiency, transport, agriculture and food production, and waste management, and attempts at mitigating climate change will need to address each of these. Moreover, Etta noticed an increased growth of her finger nails and the hair on the dorsum of her left hand. The term "palliative care" (or palliative therapy) comes from the Latin word "pallium" (cover, coat) and is supposed to alleviate the last phase of life if curative therapy is no longer possible. C Evidence from non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative, correlation and case-control ­studies, or extrapolated recommendation from category A or B evidence D Expert opinion of the Prevention of Allergy and Allergic Asthma working group or extrapolated recommendation from category A, B or C evidence. The reader is cautioned to use this information only as an indicator of disease prevalence. This may be further probed with cues: if this improves recall, then a disorder of retrieval is responsible; if cueing leads to no improvement or false-positive responses to foils (as in the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test) are equal or greater than true positives, then a learning defect (true amnesia) is the cause. Hold the middle of the Pen (gray body) with one hand so that you are not touching the gray cap (Cap # 1) or the plum-colored cap (Cap # 2). The cyst may contain serous (with the consistency of water) or proteinaceous fluid (2,3). Rameneden R, Raiji V, Clinical characteristics and visual outcomes in infectious scleritis: a review, Clinical Ophthalmology, 2013;7:2113­22. Jaundice that persists beyond 2 weeks should be evaluated beginning with a fractionated bilirubin (5). Opioids, including heroin and controlled prescription medications, working via the opioid receptors in the brain, may result in respiratory depression, miosis, analgesia, and constipation during intoxication and autonomic hyperactivity, gastrointestinal hyperactivity, and significant discomfort during withdrawal. Diagnostic evaluation of the pelvis may be performed with pelvic ultrasound (trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal), which is the initial imaging modality for most gynecologic abnormalities. On the first assessment, the health care provider assigns a score of 1 (for present) and 0 (for not present) across 10 items to establish a baseline score. Patients at low risk for bleeding can benefit from thrombolysis for acute limb-threatening symptoms, extensive inferior vena cava thrombosis, and for progression of symptoms or extension of clot despite anticoagulation. When trauma occurs to the bone, this can result in fractures, dislocations, or sprains. Typically there are no symptoms when sitting or lying down under static conditions because subjects do not rely very much on the vestibular system under these circumstances. For patients with sensorimotor neuropathy, after confirmation of demyelination, further classification is based on antibody specificity. Additionally, antidepressants modulate the opioid system in the central nervous system. Without polyps, but with greater than 50-percent obstruction of nasal passage on both sides or complete obstruction on one side. He denies any abdominal pain, hematuria or any neurological symptoms such as a change in consciousness or seizure activity. Rubik J, Grenda R, Prokurat S, Jobs K, Smirska E, Latoszynska J, Litwin M, Materna B, Rychlik G. The data analysis showed that the filters were effective in preventing pulmonary embolus (postplacement pulmonary embolus rate of 1. In most cases of neurocardiogenic syncope, symptoms will improve or resolve with increased fluid and salt intake. Identified were: (i) awareness, (ii) familiarity, (iii) agreement, (iv) self-efficacy, (v) outcome expectancy, (vi) ability to overcome the inertia of previous practice, and (vii) absence of external barriers to perform recommendations. Highly contagious, it is transmitted from person to person by oral-oral or fecal-oral routes (3).

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In a patient needing no demand doses at all, the basal dose may be reduced by 25%, in a patient requiring one to four doses the scheme should stay unchanged, and in a patient requiring more than four demand doses the basal opioid dose should be increased. Patients may also have a poor understanding of their own medical problems, and may expect pain, which they think has to be endured as an inevitable part of their illness. This means that benzodiazepines are used to lower the level of consciousness until distress is relieved. Immunohistochemical comparative analysis of transforming growth factor alpha, epidermal growth factor, and epidermal growth factor receptor in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic human prostates. The mortality from infections has decreased from 50% to 20% with more aggressive intensive care. The minimum detectable distance between the points (acuity) is smaller on the skin of the fingertips. An abdominal series is obtained which demonstrates dilated bowel loops and a pattern resembling an acute bowel obstruction. Quantifying the degree of fluid loss by history and the amount and type of fluid intake can help to determine dehydration severity and the risk of electrolyte imbalance. Therapeutic plasma exchange in treatment of neuroimmunologic disorders: review of 92 cases. These effects include a decrease in activated monocytes and cytotoxic T cells, a change in T cell population, and a decrease in autoreactive T cell activity. Additionally, certain genetic factors unique to women may affect sensitivity to pain and/or metabolism of certain substances. Examination of external genitalia for abnormalities such as labial adhesions, meatitis, epispadias, and hypospadias should also be done. Raspberry filled parfaits are often burned: rhabdo, filo, paramyxo, arena, orthomyxo, bunya. Bradykinin Bradykinin is generated in the blood by the action of the plasma kallikrein-kinin system (involving prekallikrein activator, prekallikrein, kininogen, and kininases). Reason for the request, with a statement of its relationship to the Healthy Delaware 2000 objectives. It is also important to understand that by adopting such selective targets for therapies only selective subpopulations of asthma might benefit. Morphine and other "simple" opioids like hydromorphone or oxycodone would be fine. Whatever the cause or nature of the pains, it is the severity that matters most to the patient. The other virulence factors listed belong to the streptococcal species, but have different roles in causing infection. You notice a purplish-reddish hue over the upper eyelids along with some periorbital edema. Asthma mortality is most accurately tracked in the 5-34 year old age group, due to absence of confounding diagnoses. The guidelines recommend laser or radiofrequency thermal ablation as the first-line therapy for varicose veins. An understanding of the potential toxic effects is important both for safe usage and to maximize efficacy. Nutrition often has an overwhelming symbolic significance, and as long as the patient is nourished, caregivers will perceive a chance for the patient to get well. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus natural history, risk factors, clinical presentation, and morbidity. This includes edema or ischemia of the hand, pseudoaneurysm at the graft or fistula site, infection, thrombosis and congestive heart failure. Risk factors and severe outcome in thrombotic microangiopathy after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Rosenwasser, Stephen T Holgate the Heritability, and Approaches to Genetic Studies of Allergic Disease Allergy and organ-based phenotypes have strong heritability, but the exact genes involved in the expression of different disease phenotypes are only just being revealed. As is the general rule, the risk for more severe bleeding is inversely proportional to gestational age. He is a pale, mottled premature male infant in moderate to severe respiratory distress.

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Long thoracic nerve 8519 Paralysis of: Complete; inability to raise arm above shoulder level, winged scapula deformity. The prestabilization 50-percent rating is not to be used in any case in which a rating of 50 percent or more is immediately assignable under the regular provisions. While the sedative side effects of opioids are generally unwanted and irritating for the patient, in the laboring woman sedation induces relief and general relaxation. The stronger opioids (morphine, oxycodone and methadone) are prescribed as a stand-alone analgesic agents although oxycodone also can be prescribed combined with nonopioid analgesics. Teratoma excision, if present, is necessary for removing the possible antibody stimulus. Therapeutic plasma exchange for the acute management of the catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome: beta-glycoprotein I antibodies as a marker of response to therapy. In the Kasai procedure, the bowel contents containing digestive enzymes have direct access to the existing bile ducts and hepatic tissue causing the cholangitis. Large pseudoaneurysms resulting from repeated punctures with graft material deterioration will require revision of the access. Page 13 of 29 However, more general, non-hostile refusals should be re-contacted once for a conversion attempt. Timing of clinical response is variable and complete abolishment of proteinuria may take several weeks to months. The authors reported a 12-year experience involving 231 patients with pelvic fractures. It is typically morbilliform, may be accompanied by fever, and usually occurs in the first 3 months of treatment. Classification of immunomodulators Clinically, immunomodulators can be classified into the following three categories: Immunoadjuvants are used to enhance the efficacy of vaccines and therefore could be considered specific immune stimulants. The full lateral position must be adopted in all mothers expected to develop severe hypotension. If causalgia is suspected, diagnosis and treatment should be left to a pain specialist. Technical notes Centrifugal based and filtration-based instruments have been used. At these attachment sites, thrombus formation and collagen deposition were observed. A novel form of prostate-specific antigen transcript produced by alternative splicing. However, it may be difficult to accurately predict pain intensity in a particular individual as some seemingly minor surgery may elicit moderate to severe pain for various reasons, including interindividual variability in pain perception and response. These methods are called non-traditional, complementary, or alternative health care. The onset of pubertal changes however, are only about 6 months later than in females (see tables 2 and 3). Reportedly, his teachers have complained that he is disruptive with his non-stop talking and "giggliness". The most common types of data collection errors and possible solutions are listed in the following table: Error Noncoverage Error Description Noncoverage error occurs because not all members of the general population are included in the sample. With diseases, preference is to be given to the number assigned to the disease itself; if the rating is determined on the basis of residual conditions, the number appropriate to the residual condition will be added, preceded by a § 4. Editorial: Outdoor air pollution, climate and allergic respiratory diseases: evidence of a link. Asymmetric swelling of the tonsils without infection may be a clue to malignancy (2,11). Cardiovascular diseases are a risk factor for a life-threatening sting induced allergic systemic reaction. No cardinal signs or symptoms of muscle disability as defined in paragraph (c) of this section. Ambiguous cases may benefit from additional diagnostic testing such as infrared imaging, optical coherence tomography and ultrasonography. However, their diagnosis and management require special considerations in athletes in order to allow them to reach their best performance whilst respecting current anti-doping regulations.

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The allergens responsible for perennial symptoms include mold spores, dust mites and animal dander. When approaching 80 ml/kg, consider the use of an inotropic agent such as dopamine or epinephrine. Muscles arising mainly from external condyle of humerus: Extensors of carpus, fingers, and thumb; supinator. Pearls of wisdom There are a variety of pharmacological options for managing the pain of parturition. One consequence of chronic pain can be agoraphobia, for example, if the patient is afraid to leave the house because the pain attack might occur on the street, and nobody would be there to help. Staining on a rack · Use a test tube or a small container to hold the prepared stain. Intrapartum medications included 3 doses of butorphanol (narcotic opioid analgesic). Of course, she should be warned that the extra morphine, especially if she needs more than one titration dose, might produce sedation and nausea, or both. One study found that using exchange volume < 15mL/kg and inlet velocity <45 mL/min, especially for patients >50 years may decrease adverse events (Bai, 2012); a proposed mathematical model for choosing most appropriate therapy parameters is available (Evers, 2014). This may explain why women with chronic vaginal candidiasis, which always implies chronic yeast overgrowth of the intestine72, have nearly double the incidence of allergic rhinitis compared to patients without chronic yeast overgrowth. Characteristic attacks that occur more than once a day, last an average of more than two hours each, and respond poorly to treatment, but that do not restrict most routine daily activities. Immunoadsorption in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy with unsatisfactory response to first-line treatment. It has been found to be effective in popliteal and fascia iliaca blocks as well as in epidural blocks. Occupations involving manual labour present particular problems for subjects with dermatographic urticaria or delayed pressure urticaria. Empiric antibiotics and hospitalization are recommended routinely for this age group; however, children in the 4 to 8 week range have been treated as outpatient in some patient series if the following conditions are met: 1) the sepsis work-up is negative, 2) empiric antibiotics. Muscle, Skeletal or Skin Conditions: Fill in the circle for each For which conditions have you been diagnosed, treated, medicated, condition you have (or had) and/or monitored? In a follow-up period of more than one year, the authors did not observe stent occlusion, stent stenosis, or new neurologic symptoms. The Society for Vascular Surgery: clinical practice guidelines for the surgical placement and maintenance of arteriovenous hemodialysis access. Helbig G, Stella-Holowiecka B, Wojnar J, Krawczyk M, Krzemien S, Wojciechowska-Sadus M, Markiewicz M, Wylezol I, Kopera M, Holowiecki J. Consequently, routine everyday activities should be incorporated into the training as early as possible. Exchange versus simple transfusion for acute chest syndrome in sickle cell anemia adults. The danger of disk batteries is that they contain mercury, silver, zinc, manganese, cadmium, lithium, sulfur oxide, copper, and sodium or potassium hydroxide. Ketamine has been used in large numbers of pregnant women without links to malformations, so it is considered safe, making it a valuable option when patients are admitted to hospital when either acute or neuropathic pain is difficult to manage(bolus up to 0. Subsequently, osteomyelitis of adjacent bone may develop as well as abscess formation and bony erosion with extension of infection into surrounding structures. Using a stub-point needle, hyperalgesia-increased perception of painful stimuli-can be diagnosed. Clark has done a stunning job of broadening our awareness of pain management medication. In 5% of patients, the disease progresses rapidly to death within weeks to months while the remaining demonstrate slow progression. Cross References Abulia; Akinetic mutism; Imitation behaviour; Mutism; Negativism; Rigidity; Stereotypy; Stupor Cauda Equina Syndrome A cauda equina syndrome results from pathological processes affecting the spinal roots below the termination of the spinal cord around L1/L2, hence it is a syndrome of multiple radiculopathies. True/False: Hypotension and hypoxia are two monitoring parameters that are extremely important to avoid in a child with a moderate to severe head injury. An r value of 1 or -1 implies perfect positive or perfect negative correlation, respectively.

